The ActiveDogTrainer is worn on a special belt, positioned at the waist, hip, or thigh depending on the size of the dog being trained. When the dog’s nose makes contact with the device (in the starting position, during walking, changing direction, and sitting), it triggers a buzzing sound, affirming its own action and behavior. This results in intentional conditioning, increased activity, and motivation for the animal.

Before beginning training with Active Touch, it's important to get your dog accustomed to the device. Start by introducing it gradually and positively to help your furry friend feel comfortable and confident around it. Give him some positiv impulse to show how it works.
Once your dog is familiar with the device, it's time to start training! Use Active Touch to reward your dog when they touch the device, and gradually move on to using it during walking, changing direction, and sitting to reinforce positive behavior and promote intentional conditioning.

Your dog is now ready to showcase their new skills on walks or in other situations. With Active Touch, your dog can learn how to walk correctly on a leash and pay attention to your commands. Proudly demonstrate what your dog has learned!
When the dog’s nose touches the device, it produces a sound, which positively reinforces the dog’s action and behavior.
Active Touch provides intentional conditioning, increased activity, and motivation for your dog. So, with Active Touch, you can train your dog without him having to focus on your hand.
Simply attach the device to your belt at the waist, hip, or thigh, depending on the size of your dog. Use Active Touch to teach your dog to be rewarded when it touches the device. Then you can train your dog to touch your hip while walking. Eventually, your dog will become accustomed to the command and correct posture, and you will be able to perform heelwork without the need for Active Touch.
Results may vary, but with consistent use, you may see improvements in your dog’s heelwork within a few weeks.
It is easy to clean. You can clean the device with a damp cloth and store it in a dry place when not in use.
Yes, depending on the size of your dog, you just need to pay attention to the attachment of the Active Touch, as your dog needs to be able to reach it.
It is recommended to start training heelwork in dogs at an age of 6 to 12 months when they usually have sufficient physical abilities and mental maturity to understand and execute instructions. However, training can also be started at any age as long as the dog is physically and mentally capable. It is important, however, to start training in small steps and gradually increase the workload to avoid injury and frustration.